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This page shows updates made to this site and the game. They appear in order of occurrence, starting with the most recent. Not all changes show up here.

16 Feb 2025 -- Uploaded 2 Mar 2025

9 Feb 2025

15 Dec 2024

22 Sep 2024

15 Sep 2024

25 Aug 2024

8 Aug 2024

2 Jun 2024

5 May 2024

28 Apr 2024 -- This update took over two months.

For the last script test, I just added 400 points to questions and expanded the range to 1,500. I ended up not liking it and decided to change the point values like I mentioned above, but it was tricky. I'll try to explain why. There is an overall difficulty for each level, although the lower levels can be just as difficult as the higher ones, especially when players only get one shot at the question. When it comes to trivia games, it is impossible for players to get every single question correct. There are people that can get close, but it can never be 100%. I'm not going to guess how close people can get. For the main game, however, it is possible to get every single question correct. In order for players to get 100% of the questions correct, they will have to choose level one and level two questions for the entire game. If no player gets a question right in part one, players can answer the other choices in part two. In the first iteration back in the 90's, any player that answered all choices to a question got a disqualification for that question instead of a correct answer. I don't remember why I got rid of that rule, but I believe it's because I removed penalties due to focusing more on finding penalties to the point that I eventually lost all players. I made adjustments by having players get only one shot in part one and adjusted the points when a question goes to part two. I also implemented a rule that players do not get letter guesses if they get a level one or level two question right in part two. This brings me to the goal of question point values. Players will get fewer points if they decide to only choose level one and level two questions than if they chose all levels or even random. I ultimately increased level one questions by about 150 points, level two questions by about 300 points, and for levels four, six, and eight, I either doubled the point value or added 500 points.

When doing the bonus round, the level starts at one and changes based on being correct or incorrect. Players only get one shot in the bonus round, so it makes it more difficult to get above level two.

When I changed the values of scrambles to just add 400 points, I didn't like it, too. I had difficulty getting the math to work how I liked it. I didn't change the adding of up to 250 points based on difficulty. I only want to reserve those extra points for ones I feel are extra tough, and I have to try to ignore the fact that I'm not very good with scrambles.

18 Feb 2024 -- Changes made to the game since the end of January but never uploaded to the website.

I forgot to upload changes after the first script test after I posted the update shown below.

21 Jan 2024 -- The first update of 2024. Happy New Year!

17 Dec 2023

1 Oct 2023

29 May 2023 -- Updated the privacy policy to include information gathered and what happens with that information. The gist is I don't share it with anyone.

19 Mar 2023 -- I now have a job at a CPA firm, and I still have my job from Washington, but I am working about ten hours a week instead of 20. Now that I completed the move for now and that I have a job, I want to try to have a game about once a month. People also subscribed to my mailing list. At least, they tried. The script wouldn't let some of them for reasons that I'm not sure, but I won't say; however, I add those people manually when they meet a condition that I will also not say here. I don't know how to explain why. In fact, I have a few more to add manually as I'm typing this note but will process before sending an update email.

11 Feb 2023 -- The first update of the new year.

5 Nov 2022 -- I'm taking a break from looking for work while relocating. The game is on unofficial hiatus while moving to another state. I'm hoping to try one last game before officially moving, but I don't know when that will be. In the meantime, I made the following adjustments:

19 Jun 2022

28 May 2022

17 May 2022

9 May 2022

7 May 2022

24 Apr 2022

16 Apr 2022

3 Apr 2022

6 Mar 2022

17 Feb 2022

6 Feb 2022 -- I read through the rules multiple times, and each time, I add or change something.

24 Dec 2021 -- I just looked to see when I started this, and I worked on this for about two and a half years: writing questions, tweaking the script and the game, and more. I'm still not done tweaking the game, and to be honest, I don't think I'll ever have it just right.

26 Nov 2021

12 Nov 2021 -- Okay, there's probably too much information on this site, especially on the Full Rules page. I'm not sure if I can cut any information, especially since I keep changing things and adding sections.

8 Nov 2021 -- The Impossible! game show (stylized as !mpossible) has a prize pot that players add to by eliminating impossible answers from a "grid". However, only one player can collect that pot. I want to implement something like that in this game. In a way, I already have some of those elements via the jackpot feature. There's already points going to the jackpot for each puzzle, although it's more points when solving. Adding a small number of points to the jackpot when a player guesses a letter or chooses the next category is a bad idea. I don't want to do this for word scrambles as control picks, because there should only be one per game.

31 Oct 2021 -- Added report from Zotero of the sources I use for questions. Unfortunately, the file size is about 3 megabytes, but it gives more information than the full Works Cited entries.

30 Oct 2021

16 Oct 2021 -- I made some more changes to the script:

5 Sep 2021 -- I changed the color of text on the site to black from blue. When reading the text recently, I was having a little trouble reading the text. My apologies for not noticing this earlier.

3 Jul 2021 -- I spent a lot of time trying to get all the bugs out in the script and updating the text on this site. The changes are minor, and I didn't make a list. I don't think I will get all the bugs out. I just hope they don't cause drastic errors that require a lot of time to fix during a game.

6 Jun 2021 -- When script testing, which I do a lot, I made mistakes that can affect the outcome of the game. It got me thinking that I need to write some rules regarding corrections. I already wrote corrections into the script, but there is one scenario that I didn't. What if I pick a category and level from the wrong list? For example, when script testing, I selected Bible, level 6. Well, I selected a question from the list for the previous question: Church History, level six. Selecting from the wrong list is a serious error, and it's my bad, not the player's. I also didn't realize the error until after selecting the category and level for the next question. For the test, I tossed the question, but what should I do during a real game?

Additionally, during script testing, I also made the mistake of forgetting it's a bonus question and accept answers from the wrong player. This one is simple. I toss the question, because it was my error.

I will adjust these rules if I come across anything that needs formal rules, but for any mistake not covered, I simply do what I can to make it right, which can take some time.

Also, when testing the bonus round, I came across something I didn't expect. When the player gets to level five, I add time to the clock as an incentive for the players to read the question. Well, I added too much time and got a lot of time on the clock. I ended up letting the clock expire, because it got repetitive and tiring and annoying. It was my best bonus round yet and the first time I actually got to level five; otherwise, I would have noticed this a long time ago.

29 May 2021

9 May 2021 -- First major change in a while. The major change is the point values for puzzles. I wanted to give more points for smaller puzzles, because they are harder to solve. The old way started the value at 6,500 and subtracted 500 for each word in the puzzle with this starting value not dropping below 3,500 points. When I looked at values for different puzzles of various lengths and adding average points per word, I noticed that the smaller puzzles had a higher average. I removed the starting value and subtraction per word and noticed the average points per word was still higher in the smaller puzzles.

13 Nov 2020

5 Nov 2020 -- Changed values of correct spelling bonus in questions and bonuses for when puzzle guesses match. The objective is to give points based on words instead of a flat number. Unfortunately, some words have common letters with a large number of vowels but can be just as difficult to spell. The punctuation marks take time to type. Some puzzles have zero, but others may have five or six. I'll experiment with this change.

19 Aug 2020 -- Changed formatting of text for this site, specifically the colors of text and headings. When looking at the site in the browser, I had trouble seeing the text. My apologies to those that couldn't see the text.

21 Jun 2020

14 Jun 2020

1 Jun 2020 -- On the full rules page, I put some example data into tables to make it look better. It even confused me reading them.

21 May 2020 -- I made changes to the scoring. I want to make all the scoring changes before playing a game, so it doesn't affect past players.

I felt that a bonus of 50 points for choosing a random level isn't enough, so I changed it to a percentage to encourage it. It also means a better chance at getting the jackpot.

When I updated the rules page this iteration, I got the feeling of too much information. Specifically, I added more examples in the scoring section.

After typing that last paragraph, I got the idea to move the examples to their own section. That way, players that don't care or want to know can just skip it.

18 May 2020 -- I just noticed that the date below said 2010 instead of 2020. Oops.

19 Jan 2020

9 Jan 2019

25 Dec 2019 -- Did a game reset to start anew:

8 Dec 2019

20 Oct 2019

16 Sep 2019

10 Jul 2019

6 Jan 2019 -- First update of the new year.

30 Dec 2018 -- Last update of the year:

27 Dec 2018 -- Updated instructions for Apple users along with other corrections on that page. I was able to test their use during Christmas. (Thanks goes to the in-laws for allowing me to test it.)

20 Dec 2018 -- Made some changes to the script:

2 Dec 2018 -- Added ability to accept answers to pre-game questions and award points for correct answers. As of this writing, no one is on the notify list to get the pre-game questions, but they are sent out most of the time. (Shh! Don't tell anyone.)

23 Nov 2018

23 Sep 2018

29 Aug 2018

15 Aug 2018 -- Added information on how to connect to the game through iPhone or iPad.

12 Aug 2018 -- Made some corrections to the script based on errors from game on Thursday.

21 Jul 18 -- Made some script changes after the game. Things weren't working correctly.

15 Jul 18 -- Three major changes:

14 Jul 18 -- Updated e-mail links to new e-mail address specifically for this site. I'm hoping to add a mailing list script to automate it for me.

12 Jul 18 -- This is the initial posting of this site. The game has been in the works for about a year and a half. Some major changes have occurred since the last game about 18, 19 years ago. I'll start with the changes made within the last month:

That's all I can think of changing in the last month, so I'll go through changes made since the last game about 18, 19 years ago.

Site © 2018-2025 by Jeremy Adderley. All graphics copyright respective owners, used by permission.

Background picture from BoxedArt.
Line and banner graphics obtained from Celine's Original GIF's.
I removed the links, because the sites do not exist anymore.

Game format and questions written by me are copyright 2017-2025 by Jeremy Adderley. Feel free to use the game's format and questions as long as no money exchanges hands and please give credit. Questions written by others properly credited in the answers. Please send an e-mail to request permission and/or make payment(s) for their use when it involves money.

I do not talk about the questions with anyone that I feel may end up playing the game, especially my wife, whose name won't appear here for privacy reasons.

Mailing Lists

There are two mailing lists: newsletter and notify. They're separate just in case a person only wants one. The newsletter contains a summary of the game, the scores of everyone who played, corrections to scores, updates to the game, and a high score list. The notify list announces the time for the next game. Due to email sending quotas, the host will send the three random questions two days before the game session. Answering these three questions before the game officially starts will earn points.

There is a page on Facebook about the game, and I post when the next game will be and updates to the site/game.

Privacy Policy

There is no sharing of any information gathered with anyone, especially advertising networks. This site has no advertisements.

This site gathers the following information:

The host uses visitor information for statistical purposes only, email addresses only for sending emails to subscribers of the mailing list, and email statistics to track who views those emails.

If anyone objects to the gathering of this information, please stop visiting this website and possibly the entire Internet.