Quick Rules

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This page covers basic rules. Players earn points for answering trivia questions, solving hangman style puzzles, and solving scrambles. The sections talk about questions asked before the game starts, the most vital rules of the game, a basic summary of gameplay, question categories, question levels, question types, puzzles, the bonus round, commands, speed round, and misbehavior.

Pre-Game Questions

Subscribers to the notification mailing list get three completely random questions two nights before a game. Players have until the game's start to come up with the correct answers, including looking them up.

When the game officially starts, players will get an opportunity to submit their answers to these questions. Players submit their answers using one line per question in the order asked.

The answers to the questions will appear in the newsletter sent sometime after the game, not in the channel. Players will only know how many points they earned.

Important Rules

Next, it's time to go over the most important rules:

  1. Capitalization not required.
  2. Correct spelling not required, but it may earn bonus points.
  3. The host must receive the answers first. Please do not argue about this.
  4. It is important to read the question and follow the prompts. Occasionally, some questions are tricky, and some choices in multiple choice questions attempt to make players laugh, cause confusion, or both.
  5. Using a last name only is not correct unless the question says otherwise. Middle names not required unless it results in a completely different person. An example involves the three presidents of the Church that share the name Joseph Smith.
  6. Players can look up answers.
  7. There should be no teams. Ideally, it's one person per connection.
  8. Finally, have fun.

Game Summary

A game clock starts at 60 minutes and ticks down during play, stopping frequently, making the game length about four hours. The game plays in rounds that involves solving one puzzle with 10 minutes going on a puzzle clock. Rounds usually end after a player solves a puzzle. The game ends when the game clock expires and after finishing any question and puzzle in progress in that order. Whoever has the most points at the end gets a bonus round. Some time after the game, the host sends a newsletter about the game.

The first even in the game is a scramble to determine who gets control.

The following explains the game in rounds:

  1. The host selects a puzzle, and the script displays it along with its category and initial point value. The category only appears in the channel once.
  2. The player in control picks the category and level for the first/next question. If no player has control, the host picks questions completely at random until someone gets a question right.
  3. Part one of questions: The host selects a question, the script displays it, and the script pauses. After the pause, players have 25 seconds to post one answer on one line.
  4. Did one or more players get the question right?
  5. Part two of questions: A free for all occurs for 35 seconds, allowing players to guess as often as they desire, one line at a time. The first player to post the correct answer gets points and control.
  6. Did a player get the question correct?
  7. What was the question's level?
  8. The player that got the question right first gets an opportunity to guess a letter.
  9. Is the letter in the puzzle?
  10. This is the end of a question. Go back to step three unless one of the following events occurred:

That is the basics of the game. If no events in step 10 occurred, the game would never end. Moreover, there are other events that go beyond the basics and the scope of this page.

Rounds two and four may be different:

Rounds Two and Four

Having control at the start of round two is important, because round two offers the player in control a choice from the following three options:

Puzzle Round is solving as many puzzles as possible in 10 minutes with no questions.

Question Round is going through as many questions as possible, including players choosing the categories and levels, with no puzzles.

If the player chooses Neither, the rounds remain normal for the rest of the game.

If the player chooses either the Puzzle Round or the Question Round, round four will be the other round.

The remaining sections cover scrambles, the game's categories, the levels, the four question types, the bonus round, the commands, and misbehavior for the game.


Scrambles are a word or small phrase that appears randomly scrambled. The main purpose of scrambles is to determine who gets control, but they can also appear as questions.


One important rule about questions is that they can override rules for that question only.

The following sections cover categories, levels, and question types.


Questions come in categories. Players choose categories and levels. Here are the categories for the game with what to type to select that category appearing in parentheses:

Categories in italics mean they can appear in the question itself regardless of the chosen category and level.

Red text means they contain word scrambles. Unlike regular questions, the word scramble itself doesn't display the category.


A level is the type of question:

Bear in mind that the number of questions for levels five through eight are low.

Scrambles are level three.

Question Types

There are additional types of questions: multiple answer, educated guess, and bonus.

Multiple Answer

Some questions require two or three correct answers. Players get more time for these questions, but the player still must post all required answers on one line. The host ignores extra answers but may warn. For part one, the host ignores extra lines but may also warn. Players do not have to separate answers, but it makes it easier for the host to process.

Educated Guess

These questions are one part only with a reduction in points. After showing the question and the standard pause, players make one guess per required correct answer. The player that is the closest gets the points. Going over doesn't matter.

If there's only one player, the question changes to a regular question, and the host will say if the correct answer is higher or lower.

Multiple Answer and Educated Guess

Rules for multiple answers and educated guess combine. A player must be correct or closest on all required answers in order for it to count as correct.

Bonus Questions

Up to once per round, the player in control gets one guess to a question. If the player gets it right, the player earns points, and the game continues, including a letter guess. If not, it becomes a free for all like normal.

Speed Round

When the puzzle or game clock expires, the focus shifts to the puzzle to solve it fast. After finishing a question, which includes the letter guess opportunity, speed round starts with the player in control guessing a letter. The script then goes down the nickname list and gives each player a chance to guess a letter. This will repeat until a player solves the puzzle, players stop guessing letters, or the puzzle's point value goes too low. Players can solve the puzzle at any time during a speed round.

Bonus Round

The highest scoring player gets two minutes to answer as many questions as possible. Questions may repeat but not twice in a row.


Use the following commands during the game. Brackets ([]) means it is optional. Make sure to type commands in the channel and replace anything shown in brackets (<>) with the information requested. Items shown in parentheses are the valid choices. Use these first three commands when prompted. When it's the wrong time for the command, the script ignores the command, but the host may say something.

For example, if a player wants a level one Scripture question, the command is [!pick] s 1.

Use the following commands at any time during the game: Only the player typing the command sees the results.


Don't swear, harass other players, or be rude. This goes for the host, who is human. Penalties involve bans and kicks. Bans prevent a player from talking in the channel and prevents a player from returning to the channel if the player leaves the channel either voluntarily or by kick. There is no kicking without a ban set and usually with a timer that does not stop ticking down when set. However, if the host kicks a player out of the channel without a timer, that player will lose all points earned for that game. Avoiding a ban causes an instant disqualification for the session, regardless of fault for the ban.

That is the basics of the game. For all rules and possibly some tips and strategy, see the Full Rules page.

Site © 2018-2025 by Jeremy Adderley. All graphics copyright respective owners, used by permission.

Background picture from BoxedArt.
Line and banner graphics obtained from Celine's Original GIF's.
I removed the links, because the sites do not exist anymore.

Game format and questions written by me are copyright 2017-2025 by Jeremy Adderley. Feel free to use the game's format and questions as long as no money exchanges hands and please give credit. Questions written by others properly credited in the answers. Please send an e-mail to request permission and/or make payment(s) for their use when it involves money.

I do not talk about the questions with anyone that I feel may end up playing the game, especially my wife, whose name won't appear here for privacy reasons.

Mailing Lists

There are two mailing lists: newsletter and notify. They're separate just in case a person only wants one. The newsletter contains a summary of the game, the scores of everyone who played, corrections to scores, updates to the game, and a high score list. The notify list announces the time for the next game. Due to email sending quotas, the host will send the three random questions two days before the game session. Answering these three questions before the game officially starts will earn points.

There is a page on Facebook about the game, and I post when the next game will be and updates to the site/game.

Privacy Policy

There is no sharing of any information gathered with anyone, especially advertising networks. This site has no advertisements.

This site gathers the following information:

The host uses visitor information for statistical purposes only, email addresses only for sending emails to subscribers of the mailing list, and email statistics to track who views those emails.

If anyone objects to the gathering of this information, please stop visiting this website and possibly the entire Internet.